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take_snapshot Take Snapshot

Take a new Snapshot in background. The main window can be closed during taking the snapshot. Normal behavior is to only compare files size and modification time. Alternatively, you can take a new Snapshot with checksums option enabled. This will calculate checksums for every file to decide if the file has changed. Taking a snapshot with checksums option takes a lot more time but it will make sure, the destination files won't be corrupt.

refresh_snapshot Refresh Snapshots List

Refresh the Snapshots in Timeline.

snapshot_name Snapshot Name

Add a name for a Snapshot so you can easily identify it later. If Don't remove named snapshots in Settings --> Auto Remove is enabled this will also prevent the Snapshot from being removed. If this button is grayed out you need to select a snapshot inTimeline.

remove_snapshot Remove Snapshot

Remove one or more Snapshots from Timeline. Now can not be removed as this is no Snapshot but the live view of the local file-system. If this button is grayed out you need to select a snapshot inTimeline.

view_log View Snapshot Log

View the log of the selected Snapshot. If this button is grayed out you need to select a snapshot inTimeline.

view_log View Last Log

View the log from the last snapshot attempt.

settings Settings

Open Settings.

shutdown Shutdown System after Snapshot has finished

Shutdown the computer and poweroff after a snapshot has finished. The main window must stay open for this. If shutdown is not supported on the system this button will be grayed out.

exit Exit

Close the main window. Running Snapshots will remain in background.

help Help

Menu with links to this help, FAQ, report bugs, ...

Files Toolbar

up Up

Go to the parent folder.

show_hidden Show hidden files

Toggle hidden files (starting with a dot) to be shown in files view.

restore Restore

Restore selected files or folders. This button has a sub-menu (hold down the button). Default action is Restore. If this button is grayed out you need to select a snapshot inTimeline.

restore Restore

Restore the selected files or folders to the original destination.

restore_to Restore to...

Restore the selected files or folders to a new destination.

restore Restore /path

Restore the currently shown folder and all its content to the original destination.

restore_to Restore path to...

Restore the currently shown folder and all its content to a new destination.

snapshots Snapshots

Open Snapshots dialog.


The Timeline lists all Snapshots which where already taken. You can browse them to see its contents in right hand Files View. The first item Now is not a Snapshot. It is a live view on the local file-system. It shows exact the same as your normal file browser. Multi selection is possible to remove multiple Snapshots altogether.

Files View

Depending on selection in left hand Timeline this will either show the original files or the files in the selected snapshot. You can jump directly to your home or include folders in Shortcuts.


Show current status. While a snapshot is running this will show a progress-bar combined with current speed, already transferred data and the last message from rsync.